Map Updates

Thank you for keeping your notification area map updated.  IMAP is an online mapping application that allows member utilities to directly view and manage their notification areas, whether by making manual edits or by verifying digital mapping files.  To avoid damage to your facilities, it is important you ensure your company’s mapping notification area stays up to date. 

If you need IMAP access, send a request to, including your company name, state, district code, and contact information.

If you wish to provide updated polygons for your notification area, please send the buffered polygons in shape file format (file types:  .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj) to, along with your district code, state, and if the polygons are additions or replacement.  We’ll process the new mapping data and respond back when it’s been uploaded to IMAP for your verification and approval.

Contact us at for more specific information on providing digital mapping files or if you need any assistance updating your notification area.